As most of you know I’m kind of a freak about my priesthood blessings I get. Ever since I became a member I would have a journal in my lap and write down everything that was said in them as soon as it ended. Just baptized, to me it doesn’t make sense to find out that God Himself speaks directly to us with specific, custom counsel, and not write it down to remember it. How crazy! I have every priesthood blessing ever given to me in a journal so I can go back and read them whenever I want. (It’s incredible because you can see what was promised you, how things were fulfilled, and things you should to be doing or changing).
Related Article: 6 LDS Journal Ideas | Related Article: What God Told Me About My Unborn Son
I went through all my blessings I’ve gotten and wrote down everything God has told me about setting and attaining goals. And as we set goals and celebrate a new year, I hope we remember that now is not the only time to start over and start fresh. Because of Christ, every day can be a new beginning!
Happy New Year, friends!
Picking Goals:
Goals come from God.
Never lose sight of your purpose.
This is not our permanent home. Set spiritual goals.
Set goals to become more like your Father in Heaven.
Pay close attention to that spiritual being living within you.
Know where you want to go.
Setting goals starts with evaluation.
You can do what you choose in life.
Ask yourself, really ponder, “What do I want to do with my life?” “What should I do? What should I become? Where should I be?” Write down your thoughts!
Write down where you want to be in a year from now and where you want to be in 5 years from now. Be sure to write it down.
He knows you have fears regarding things you want and things you want to do in life, and fear in what you may leave behind— urges you to just.be.happy. 100% happy.
Do what makes you fully happy. Not occasional happiness.
You re a pilot and you are in charge. (Which is cool b/c much after this blessing was given to me, Elder Hale’s Conf. talk in Oct. ’15 also said this).
Seek things you want to do with your life and with your talents. Peruse them and find joy in them.
Always have time for love.
Take a load to carry, not a load to drag.
Setting Goals:
Once you have your goals, make a set plan.
Keep goals visible.
You do have time every day.
Take courage in Him.
Seek Him in prayer always and often.
Make decisions as a couple with your spouse.
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
Letting too much time just pass by effects our eternity.
Missed opportunities are a result of not acting on promptings quickly. Act sooner.
If it’s a good thought that leads to good, it comes from God.
Motivation / Missing Goals:
He’s always there to give inspiration you need in the moment you need it.
If you feel stuck—PRAY. God will always give motivation.
Motivation is a prayer away.
If you’re having a hard time just say a prayer—He helps with the tiny things too, just ask for His help.
Push aside fears and temptations with your goals.
With the right determination, you can do all things with Christ.
Nothing is keeping you from your goals.
Adversity doesn’t like progress.
Satan wants you to be idle-he’s ready.
Always take your promptings and ideas to your spouse. Counsel and pray together.
Ideas come when you keep reading scriptures & church books.
Future efforts will be sidelined when you’re comparing to others
Always celebrate success of others

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What I Realized About Forever (priesthood blessing about my unborn son)
Answers About Animals in the Afterlife (priesthood blessing about my dog that died)
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If you want a new tomorrow, then make new choices today! Don’t wish for it, work for it. Set goals. Say prayers. Work hard. We are blessed from our efforts of trying, not perfection.
In a year from now you’ll wish you started today. If it’s important to you, then you should work really hard at it. If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working towards it, (listen to your reoccurring thoughts! that’s often how the spirit speaks to me). And most important, let’s not be like them in Alma 37:41, who “forgot to exercise their faith & diligence.” Let’s not forget we are here to be happy and that help is only a prayer away! Forget not that “the Lord is able to do all things according to his will” (1N. 7:12). Never lose hope. God will never look at you like you’re a waste of time. Change is real because Christ is real.
And taken from my New Year’s post: It may be a slow process, but giving up won’t get you there any sooner. If we give up, then there won’t be anything for Heavenly Father to help us with. Have faith in the future and have faith in your God. Have faith knowing that you are in the best hands. Have faith knowing that your struggles are leading you to better places and a better you. Let’s all vow to quit questioning His plan for us and allow ourselves to LET Him show us how great our God truly is.
“You come ALIVE when you live your life to fill the measure of your creation.” —Sister Wixom

^All journals are available under the ‘products’ tab.