Don’t let people tell you marriage becomes boring. Don’t let people tell you kids ruin or take away from things. Don’t let people’s comments of “once you get married you can’t…” & “once you have kids you won’t be able to…” Because they simply.ARE.NOT.true.
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I absolutely love everything about having kids. Adventures have doubled since we had them, because we chose to plan it that way.
And I, more than anything, LOVE being married! I do, I love it. I don’t think people say it enough. I don’t think it’s hard. I think LIFE is hard but marriage should make those hard things in life easier. Marriage freakin’ rocks! Because we consciously choose, every day, to make it that way. Life is better experienced with someone else. Experiences are richer when shared. Trials are easier as a team. Strength is there when you are weak. Humor is perfectly there for the good and the bad. A change of course is more of an adventure. Learning new things from them, and with them, is magic. And the growth you experience over the years is the gem in life.
Life is what we choose to make of it. Life is what we make time for. And we should make time for WHATEVER WE WANT TO and not be influenced by what others say & how they choose to spend their time. CHOOSE adventure! Choose to have a daily make-out sesh. Choose to find and make the time, because we have time for whatever we choose to make a priority. So we should, every day, choose the things we LOVE.
xox AL
THIS THURSDAY, Aug. 31st —Orem Deseret Book @5:30pm!
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Click HERE to read reviews from actor, Jon Heder, Jimmer Fredette, Alex Boye, Brad Wilcox, Hank Smith, and Zandra Vranes have all said about “Cheers to Eternity.”
Our weekend in the Rocky Mountain National Park: