Five years ago this week Ben came home from his mission. Also 5 years ago this week was our first date anniversary! So, in spirit of this week, we are doing something we never thought we would do!
As most of you know, Ben and I wrote each other for most of his mission–even though we never met in person. (You can read our full story in our book, Cheers to Eternity!) After a while of writing, we sent videos to each other. WE ARE FINALLY POSTING THE VIDEOS WE SENT TO EACH OTHER and they.are.embarrassing.
I thought they were just silly videos until we re-watched them this week…turns out…we were more forward than I remember! hahahah
Ben absolutely never wanted to serve a mission. He didn’t even want to be active in the gospel for that matter. But he had a pull to simply become a better person which brought him to his knowledge and love of the Lord and the desire to serve naturally came. There are too many reasons to count why I’m grateful he served, but for selfish reasons, my favorite reason is because if he didn’t, who knows if we would have ever found each other. Grateful his love of the Lord is what brought us together💙
Please be kind to us and our young awkwardness 🙂
New videos every Monday, so be sure to subscribe!
And as always, sending love & prayers your way!
xox AL
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