Most of you have seen the news on my Instagram, or Facebook, but we moved to upstate New York at the beginning of the month, and we didn’t tell anyone! For the first time, I finnnaaally don’t have to wonder or plan for what our next step is. I can finally feel fully settled. Two words I’ve been wanting to say for years: Home Owners
At first, we just weren’t going to announce it until it was a for sure thing, but once it became a ‘for sure’ thing, we were already packing up to leave. So we decided to keep it a secret so we could surprise my family in person! AND WOW WERE THEY SURPRISED. I haven’t been home in almost 9 years, and to them, me moving back home was not even an idea I was playing around with. They were completely blindsided, and it.was.awesome.
I will do another post around the spiritual experiences we had that gave us our answer, but in the meantime, enjoy these two videos we posted of us saying goodbye to Utah and our journey across, and the ultimate surprise of our lifetime to my family.
I will still be speaking, although just not local to Utah anymore. If you are wanting a signed book, either hard cover Fireside edition, or softcover 2nd edition, there are signed books available on AMAZON as well as Utah Deseret Book locations. But since I am no longer local to my publishers, this is the last chance to get a signed book and supplies are limited. 🙂
Sending love & prayers your way!
xox AL
Video 1: our move. Video 2: surprise my family. Video 3: our house tour.

Fireside CD edition: HERE.
More products: journals, home decor, jewelry, HERE.
Newest YouTube Video: HERE.
Instagram: @22alfox | Twitter: @22alfox
Speaking Schedule, HERE.