Been in a weird whatever lately trying to figure out what I’m supposed to be doing with my time & my life & the season that I’m in. I don’t know—
I don’t know how to explain it. Ever since NY I’ve been in a new chapter. .. I’ve never not worked full-time, like now. And since I was traveling speaking every weekend since I got here, I have pushed aside figuring out what all the things are exactly I should be doing & working on & towards & figuring out my new role & so on and so forth.
But then ever feel like everyone is crushin’ life & you’re just like, ‘welp – cool, I don’t know what I’m doin over here, lolololol’
And you start to wonder if you’re doin the right things, or as many things,
or if you’re failing or falling,
or that your calling in life isn’t grand enough or your impact isn’t as deep enough.
Yeah yeah, I’ve written on comparison & discontentment A TON, but as long as you’re productive & not destructive, self reflection is incredibly vital for the spirit to re-direct & teach & counsel & confirm & tell you what YOUR focus should be, not distracted and confused by others. It’s incredibly important to do that self check-in regularly with God to make sure we’re on OUR best path, or else I think we’re missing the point & the undiscovered better blessings.
Now I know I’m not off to a good start trying to figure out my new season & what all that entails for me & this new down time I’m not used to. But earlier this week we went ALL OUT for taco Tuesday for the elders and them being here reminded me that sometimes we don’t always know the WHAT, But we do always know the WHO. And I’m ALL IN for whatever is to come next!
weekly videos: HERE.

Fireside CD: Choosing God in Hard Times SIGNED copies of “More Than the Tattooed Mormon” are on Amazon for a limited time!
Second Edition: More Than the Tattooed Mormon: HERE
Cheers to Eternity: HERE.
More products: journals, home decor, jewelry: HERE.
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Book a Fireside: HERE
My husband’s Menswear Company just launched: Shop Carraway
socks, ties, watches, +more!!!!